In my bag!

In my bag!
In my bag! Leica M9 with Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4;75mm, f2.5; 15mm, f4.5. Custom handmade leather bag from Saddleback Leather (USA), notebook (Red&Black) with Saddleback Leather cover, Jorg Hysek fountain pen.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Easter activities

It's Easter. Its the best weather the UK has seen for April since the 1940's.  So out and about with as many activities as we can fit into the weekend!! All the shots with Leica M9 and Voigtlander 75mm,f2.5.

It kicks off with a egg hunt and the loote is displayed
Down to the beach! Boscombe Pier

Then to the park

Taking a break on the way to the car 

First exposure to the skate park

What my brother can do, I can do too!
Some "Older" guys showing that age does not limit the fun you can have! 

Watching the Pros!

One of Britains first paid professional Skate boarders! 

Not all the tricks go according to plan 
Some colour!
Can't wait for next weekend.

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