In my bag!

In my bag!
In my bag! Leica M9 with Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4;75mm, f2.5; 15mm, f4.5. Custom handmade leather bag from Saddleback Leather (USA), notebook (Red&Black) with Saddleback Leather cover, Jorg Hysek fountain pen.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sunshine weekend with Leica M9 and Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4

From Friday to Sunday, three sunny days Ian row after they announced we had the coldest spring in 50 years. Just snapped away!

All the above were taken in Christchurch (UK)

Police surveillance photos in those days. Took a while to fill the film?
Bruce and Pete's cars!
The Americans!
Izzy, Justus & Nuala

Ayden & Ollie

Then on Saturday we were off to the Hampshire Police, family and friends open day. 

This remains the one for me if I had the choice or the money!
Sunny Sunday at Christchurch harbour with some classic cars out on the lawn.