In my bag!

In my bag!
In my bag! Leica M9 with Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4;75mm, f2.5; 15mm, f4.5. Custom handmade leather bag from Saddleback Leather (USA), notebook (Red&Black) with Saddleback Leather cover, Jorg Hysek fountain pen.

Monday, 27 May 2013

Like a stroll in the park! - Leica M9 and Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4NoktonClassic

Bournemouth Upper and Winter Gardens Spring/Summer 2013.  Publishing done from iPad via blogger, definite loss in image quality compared to PC! But you get the idea. (Redone through Lightroom/Silver Efex on PC - much better!)