In my bag!

In my bag!
In my bag! Leica M9 with Voigtlander 35mm, f1.4;75mm, f2.5; 15mm, f4.5. Custom handmade leather bag from Saddleback Leather (USA), notebook (Red&Black) with Saddleback Leather cover, Jorg Hysek fountain pen.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

popping out for a donnor kebab down the road - Leica M9 with voigtlander 35mm, f1.4

Out of camera

Day out on farm with boys - Leica M9 with Voigtlander 75mm, f2.5

Very happy with my new 75mm, f2.5.  Incredibly sharp at f4-f11, difficult at f2.5 but spot on if you get it right!! All pictures straight out of camera with no post production adjustments.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Random pics Leica M9

Pictures taken with Leica M9 over the past 4 months.  Voigtlander lenses used 35mm, f1.4: 15mm, f4.5; 75mm, f2.5

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Wide Angle vs Portrait Leica M9

Wide angle - Voigtlander 15mm, F4.5  Taking the boys to the cinima (3 minute exposure)

Portrait  - Voigtlander 75mm, f2.5

Saturday, 12 February 2011

My little cave!

Early morning out with the boys - Leica M9

Stages of flight



In or out?

Fenced in!

Seeing blue

Confessions of love

Year of the Rabbit

I pass it every day

Where every morning should start

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Wide Angle Photos Leica M9, Voigtlander 35mm, F4.5

Front gate on a wet evening

String of clouds

Dinner at friends

Us - waiting for our food, They - wating for bus

Gorgeous old house

Blue sky January day

Caught in motion on the way to work

Bournemouth Town centre